Tarde de lenguas -Oaxaca City language exchange

Best 3 language exchange groups in Oaxaca City.

Are you learning or want to learn some Spanish? Want to meet some locals and other foreigners while staying in Oaxaca City?

Then a language exchange group is going to be awesome for you. These groups get a great mix of Oaxacans and foreigners wanting to improve their Spanish and English and a great way to learn about different cultures.

They are not too structured, so its great for conversation practice. Everybody is there helping each other with grammar, pronunciation and correcting mistakes.

When I first arrived to Oaxaca City in 2016, I was studying Spanish and attending these groups every week. I made some great lifetime friends who I still catch up with today.

Oaxaca Lending Library - Oaxaca language exchange
Oaxaca Lending Library

Oaxaca Lending Library – OLL

The Oaxaca Lending Library has the best language exchange. I would rate it the best as everybody who attends really is focused on learning and advancing their English/Spanish skills.

It has a really good mix of Oaxacan students eager to improve their English and foreigners. They have tables of 4 with 2 foreigners and two locals to each table. There is 1 hour in Spanish and 1 hour in English.

Language Exchange times are 10am sharp every Saturday and go for 2 hours. Check out there Facebook page for more details and questions. Oaxaca Lending Library

Wombat - Oaxaca language exchange
Wombat Language Exchange

Wombat bar/restaurant

Wombat is the more relaxed type Language Exchange group. Being at night, it’s more of a pure conversation and big catch up over a few beers. And as we know, our Spanish seems to get better after a couple beers 😜

There is regularly 40-50 people each week and more of a backpacker vibe with also a good mix of Oaxacans. They have topics and questions to keep the conversations flowing.

Wombat’s meet-ups are every Thursday 6-9pm. Afterwards they have karaoke to keep the party vibes going. Check out there Facebook page for details, questions and other events that are always happening there. Wombat Oaxaca

Tarde de lenguas -Oaxaca City language exchange
Tarde de Lenguas

Tarde de lenguas

This is where I started my language exchange journey when I first arrived to Oaxaca. Tarde de Lenguas is an every language group. Although most Oaxacans are looking to learn English, there’s quite a few in this group learning also Italian, french, german and Japanese and sometimes local dialects.

This group is mainly Oaxacans and not many foreigners. So it’s a great opportunity to really advance your Spanish.

They now only catch up once a month on a Saturday afternoon, and it’s in a different cafe each time. So check out their facebook page for their next meeting date and any questions. Tarde de Lenguas.

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