Mexican Slang words

Top 100 Mexican slang words you need to know.

Que onda chicos!! I’ve been living in Oaxaca Mexico for 9 years now and have learned my fair share of Spanish along the way, the good, the bad, and the ugly! So today is your lesson to learn all the Mexican Slang words to have you if not talking like a Mexican, at least understanding what the hell they’re talking about.

Learning Spanish is important, useful and appreciated highly by Mexicans. So here’s your full Mexican Slang list with explanations and examples. Understanding the slang is half the battle.

Lets start off light, then get into the good stuff…. the vulgar Mexican Slang curse words. Que chingón!!

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Neta Wey Mexican Slang
Neta Wey?? Are you serious??

Family friendly Mexican Slang words

These can be used with everyone and anyone. The old lady at the tienda, kids, your grandmother. Nothing offensive here.

Aguas!! – Look out!! If you hear this, something is about to hit you, or you need to quickly get out of the way. An important one to know 😜

Ahorita – This should mean ‘soon’, but can also mean right now, or some time in the future… you could even be waiting a lifetime…

Ándale – Means to either Hurry up or to confirm/agree. Ándale!! – Alright!! Ándale, tenemos que irnos – Hurry up, we need to leave.

A poco! – No kidding! That’s unbelievable! Wow, you don’t say! Are you serious?

Buena onda – When someone or something is cool, nice, has good vibes. She’s cool – Ella es buena onda. The opposite to this is mala onda.

Chisme – The gossip. What’s the gossip? Cuales son los chismes? To gossip is to chismear. Someone who is the gossiper, is known as chismoso.

Chiste – A chiste is a joke while something funny is chistoso. Chiste can also mean the trick, or the way to do something, as in el chiste es hacerlo así — the trick is to do it like this.

FresaFresa is used to describe a person who is a snob, stuck-up and basically, thinks that they are better than everyone else. They’ll likely speak with a distinct accent – which may or may not be fake. Also to describe a luxury item or fancy object. It’s a very common term.

Híjole! – is used to convey surprise, amazement, or disbelief. It’s very commonly used how someone might use ‘wow,’ ‘oh my,’ or ‘oh gosh’.

La Banda – A funny way to say a group of friends, the crew, the gang. Voy a slair con la banda esta noche – I’m going to go out with the crew tonight.

Mande? – Is asking someone to repeat what they just said, if you didn’t hear properly or just didn’t understand.

Ni modo – Is used a lot. It means ‘it doesn’t matter’ or ‘it cant be helped’. Ohh we just missed the bus, ni modo, we’ll get the next one.

No manches – One of the most used slang words in Mexico. Used as a reaction to surprising information… No Manches!! – No Way!! or Come on!! The vulgar way to say this is No Mames!! Head down to Mexican Slang curse words below.

Orale Mexican word
Órale has 101 meanings…

Órale – Has a heap of meanings, depending on how you express it (see pic above). Go for it! or Right on! Also used to agree: Let’s do it! Let’s go! Or it can express excitement, like Wow, amazing!

A poco! – It’s used to show disbelief, surprise, or skepticism. It’s similar to saying “seriously?” or “are you serious?”

Porfis – The playful and cute way to say Por Favor – Please.

Que milagro! – What a miracle! This is how Mexicans say ‘Long time no see’ or that finally something has happened.

Que padre – That’s awesome / really good! If someone tells you some good news or shows you something good, you can reply Que Padre. With friends you’d also say Que Chido.

Qué onda? – Is asking how’s it going? or how something is going? What’s up my friend? – Qué onda amigo? What’s up with your car? – Qué ondo con tu carro?

Que oso! – How embarrassing!! How shameful!!

Sale – An agreement word. like saying ‘got it’, or ‘ok’, You can also add in and say Sale vale.

La Sopa – the gossip

Mexican slang book chingonario
Get your own Chingonario. The Mexican Slang book all about the verb ‘CHINGAR’ (To fuck).

Mexican Slang words to use with friends

Here come some Mexican Slang used with friends and in informal situations.

Wey / Güey -Means dude or bro. This is hands down the most used Mexican slang word. You’re going to hear it flat out, everywhere you go. Weeeeey, no manches! Sí wey, vamos por unas chelas wey.

Ahuevo! – Awesome! For sure! Used to express agreement, enthusiasm, emphasis, or determination. It’s often used to signify ‘absolutely’ or ‘definitely,’ while also conveying excitement or approval.

A su mecha! – Expression of surprise. A su metcha, OMG, I cant believe that just happened. Or we’re in a bit of a sticky situation.

Ay Ay Ay – is an exclamation often used to show surprise, frustration, or a mix of emotions. It’s like saying ‘oh no,’ ‘oh dear,’ or ‘uh-oh’.

Caer gordo – to dislike someone, to annoy. I don’t like him or he annoys me would be Él me cae gordo.

Cámera – ‘I agree’ or ‘It’s a deal’

Chafa – Something that is or poor quality. E.g. things generally made in china are chafa. I like using this word!

Chale – Used as a saying when something bad happens to express empathy, lamentation, or regret. The best translation would likely be, ‘That sucks’.

Chamaco – Used to refer to children or teens.

Chambear – Is the informal way to say ‘to work’ instead of trabajo. Chamba = Work, job. Estoy en la chumba, I’m working. No tengo chumba, I don’t have any work.

Chido – Straight up, chido means something or a situation is cool in Mexican slang.

Chueco – Means something is bend or not straight. In slang, means ‘crooked’. Dodgy business would be negocio chueco. Can also mean someone is gay, not straight.

Chulo / Chula – Beautiful or Sexy. Can be used with a person or thing.

Chavo – Refered to a young guy. Chava for girl. Funnily enough, a chavo chava means a trans person, a bit of both.

Chingón – Used to describe – or to assign elevated status to – a person, place, thing or action and to convey an element of impressive dominance or mastery. The best of the best.

Codo / coda – A tight ass, cheap or stingy person. It’s a funny one this, because codo literally means elbow. So to gesture that someone is cheap, you would just tap your elbow a few times 🤣

Cochino – Used to describe some as a pig, dirty, disgusting or rude.

Crudo / cruda – To be hungerover. Estoy crudo – I’m hungover.

Desmadre – A few meanings both positive and negative. It’s super common to use this word. A disaster/mess/chaos/wild. Everything is going wrong, Es un desmadre. The fiesta last night was awesome, un desmadre. Your room is an absolute mess, tu cuarto es un desmadre.

Guapo / Guapa – A good looking person.

Güero / Güera – This is Mexican slang for a white person, or someone with light skin and/or light colored hair. Pronounced wero or wera.

Huevón / Huevóna – An extremely lazy person. No seas huevón! Don’t be so lazy!

Jefe / jefa – Is transaled to Boss. But very often used to talk about your parents. Mi jefe – My father. Mi jefa – My mother

Mala copa – This is the person who can’t handle their booze. The one that gets drunk, then loses control, cries, be’s dramatic, might starts fights. Literally translated as ‘Bad Glass’.

Metiche – A person who sticks their nose in everybody’s business. The next step up from lighter phrase chismoso.

Morro / Morra – A very slang word to describe a young man or woman. Can be used to say someones boyfriend/girlfriend. Ya viene tu morra – Here comes your girlfriend.

Mota – Is a slang term used for marijuana.

Naco – A naco is like a low-class person, tacky, not well educated and/or vulgar. It has nothing to do with money, and all about their behavior.

Neta – An informal way to say Really? For real? Or for confirmation that something is the truth.

No hay bronca – No problem! It’s a casual way of saying that something isn’t a big deal, it’s no issue or isn’t worth getting worked up over.

Panzon / Panzona – A playful word to say someone has a big stomach/belly.

Pinche -Pinche is mostly used to describe something or someone as miserable, worthless, or lousy. Mainly used like darn, damn or goddamn. But be careful, because context in key here. If it’s used strongly, replace the lighthearted ‘damn’ with ‘fucking’. Pinche car wont start. Pinche Juan isn’t coming tonight.

Ratero – Is a thief or criminal. Comes from the word rata – rat.

Rola – Songs are rolas. The slang way to say a cool song(s) instead of the formal canción.

Simón – Affirmation meaning ‘yes’. As in ‘sí, man’

Un chingo – A popular slang word to explain that there is a lot of or an excessive amount of something. Hay un chingo de gente – There’s a lot of people. Él tiene un chingo de dinero – He has a lot of money. Me duele un chingo – It hurts a lot.

Mexican Slang for friends

Instead of using amigo, use these for your closest best friends – CarnalCompaCuateTío.

Mexican Slang for beer

ChelaCheveCaguama (big bottle of beer) – Unas frias (a few cold ones)

Mexican Slang for money

Lana and Plata are used for money. Varos is used for bucks. Like when something costs 100 varos.

Pinche pendejo Mexican Slang

The ‘full on’ Mexican Slang curse words

Ok, now we’re getting into the juicy stuff. These Mexican Slang curse words, are the bad words known as groserias in Spanish, and shouldn’t be used until you start getting a real handle on your Spanish and context. Some are very offensive and could get you into trouble some how. But anyway, we’re all adults here, so here we go… If you’re a bit precious, look away now. This may not be for you haha 😎

A toda madre – Expression meaning pure excellence!! The best.

A su madre! – Exclamation of surprise or shock. The vulgar upgrade from A su mecha.

Baboso – Has a few different meanings. 1. A perverted, sleazy person who “drools” at the site of an attractive person. 2. A big dumb ass, idiot or fool.

Cabrón – Used to describe a person, and meaning depends entirely on the context. 1. A bad person, or idiot. 2. The best, or very successful, person.

Cagar – Literally means to shit. But is often used to say that you fucked up, someone fucked up or now you’re fucked.

Cagarla – To screw it up or fuck it up.

Carajo – used as an expression of annoyance, frustration or emphasis. It can also be used as a way of being fed up.

Chingar – To fuck. Like fuck in English, there’s a million and one ways to use it and both positive and negitive contexts. There is whole book solely dedicated to chingar, The Chingonario. I have it and it’s great. It comes with 100’s of uses, examples and explanations.

Chinga tu madre! – Means go and get fucked or go fuck yourself.

Chingá! – Ohh fuck! Then followed by what the problem is, insinuating that some worse will follow. Ahh chingá! No tengo dinero. Ya tengo que ir al cajero. Ohh fuck, I haven’t got any money. I have to go to the ATM.

Chingadera – Something without value or importance. A piece of shit.

La Chingada – Is an unknown Mexican place very far away. If someone tells you to go there, they’re telling you to go and get fucked 🤣🤣 Vete a la chingada!Vete means go and La chingada is this magical Mexican place very far away.

No me chingues – Super vulgar way to say ‘Don’t nag – don’t bother me’.

Churro – A marijuana joint.

Coger – To fuck or have sex.

Culo – Ass or buttocks usually used in a sexual manner.

Hasta la madre – An emotional state of frustration with someone or something. e.g. Me tiene hasta la madre – I’m fucking sick of it – Estoy hasta la madre!!!

Huevos – What literally transaltes to eggs, in slang context means balls or testicles.

Mamacita – A term used to call a hot beautiful looking woman.

Mamada – OK, a few different contexts here. Firstly means bullshit, as in a statement which clearly isn’t untrue. No me vengas con mamadas – don’t talk bullshit to me. Hablas puras mamadas – You speak absolute shit. And secondly, Mamada also means a blowjob.

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Mamón – Jerk, inmature, sucker. No seas mamón – Don’t be a jerk.

Maricón – A gay man. Used as a strong insult like ‘faggot’.

Me vale madre!! – I don’t give a fuck! It’s a very strong phrase this one.

No mames! – WTF? You can’t be serious!! The vulgar upgrade from No Manches! One of the most popular vulgar Mexican Slang phrases, commonly used with Güey/Wey. No mames wey!!!

Peda – A drinking session or party like event. ‘Que buena peda anoche!‘ – What an awesome party last night.

Pedo – Another very common and vulgar word this one. Literally means fart, but also to greet or ask what happened, to be drunk, a problem, an exclamation of surprise. Qué pedo wey? Hows it going? Que pedo! What the hell! Estabas bien pedo anoche – You were so drunk last night. Qué pedo con Juan? What’s up or what happened with Juan?

Pendejo – it means asshole, dumbass or imbecile and is widely used as an insult, or in a jokingly manner amongst friends.

Pendejadas – Someones crap, nonsense, ridiculous actions or stupids things. Estoy harta de oír a este tipo diciendo pendejadas. I’m done with listening this dude talk crap. Bla Bla Bla puras pendejadas hablas! – Bla Bla Bla you speak absolute rubbish.

Perra – Bitch

Perrón – Used to describe something to be Kick ass! Awesome.

Pinche – I’ve popped pinche down here again, because although it can mean damn, in certain context it’s used to intensify something by putting ‘fucking’ in front. Pinche pendejo!- Fucking asshole!

Pistear – To drink alcohol. It’s the vulgar way of saying lets get drunk, wasted, smash down a few beers and get fucked up.

Putazo – A BIG punch, strike or beating.

Puta – A slut.

Puto – A gay man. And also used as an insult like faggot.

Puta madre -Has many, many meanings. Again, it’s all in the context. Fuck this shit, Holy shit!, No fucking way!, I screwed it up; What have you done?, Again? Used as a curse saying like ‘Ohh Fuck!!’. Also used as an insult, Fuck you! and if something amazing, unbelievable or astonishing just happened, you’d slowly say ‘Puuuta Maaadre!! Other examples – Chinga a tu puta madre – Fuck you!! Hija de su puta madre! – Fucking son of a bitch!

Que poca madre – Something bad, wrong, not pleasing for sure. Perdiste tu celular? Que poca madre! — You lost your phone? That’s fucked!

Verga – Means dick/penis and is one of the most vular Mexican slang words this is. There’s a heap of expressions that go with verga. Vete a la verga – Go fuck yourself. Verga!! Daaaaaam! Me vale verga! – I don’t give a fuck! A la verga! – Holy fuck! both in a positive and negative way.

And there it is my friends!! If you have some more Mexican Slang words you’d like to see added in, just let me know down in the comments 👌


  1. Hijo de puta….will sound as “hi de pu”….so importante to practice listening to the spoken slangs,otherwise you won’t catch them in normal interactions.

  2. Yeah spot on!! It’s one thing to learn Spanish, then the Mexican Slang… then trying to understand it all when it’s spoken so quickly haha. And all the doble sentidos tambien! It’s good fun.

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