Oaxaca City Bus

How to get around Oaxaca City.

How’s the public transport in Oaxaca City? It can get a little congested right in town, but generally the public transport is pretty good and very cheap. There’s 4 ways to get around the city and its surrounds – Taxi, bus, colectivo and mototaxi (Tuk-Tuk).

Let’s go through the 4 of them to find out how to take them, and how much they cost.

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The new City Bus in Oaxaca City

The government run City Bus Oaxaca (Recently renamed to BinniBus Oaxaca) is a very welcome upgrade from the older buses you will see getting around. Brand new with ramps and space for wheelchairs, clean and run later at night.

Cost of the City Bus is $8 pesos per ride. Unlike the other buses where you pay the driver, the City Bus driver doesn’t handle any money. There is a little machine as you get on where you put in your 8 pesos, but it doesn’t give change. So make sure you have correct weight!

Routes run North/South and East/West. There are currently 4 routes and they are adding more. You can check on their website for exact routes and bus stops here (In Spanish).

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Oaxaca Public transportation - Bus
Oaxaca public buses

Standard Buses in Oaxaca City

Oaxaca City has quite a good bus network. A bus trip will cost you $10 pesos cash which you pay the driver and they have change. All bus lines pass though the city, connecting San Felipe, Volcanes, Xoxocotlan, Ferrocarril, El Rosario, Santa Rosa.

While the routes are great, the busses aren’t the greatest and the drivers at times can be a little erratic (to put it politely). If you’re standing, make sure you hold on! 👌

Most bus lines travel North/South either side of Parque Llano and Calle crespo – Tinaco y Palacios. And travel East/West a few blocks South of the city and the Periferico.

There’s also busses that go further out of the city to El Tule and Tlacatlaco which you take from either the Periferico, or in front of the Volkswagon dealership next to the Baseball stadium.

Make sure if you see your bus coming, wave your hand out signalling you want the bus, or they’ll just drive straight past 👍

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Oaxaca Taxi - Getting around Oaxaca City
Taxi rank at the Zocalo

Taxis in Oaxaca City

For tourists this is the most common form of transport while visiting Oaxaca City. Quick and easy to get around the Centro Historico and out to more tourist friendly places like Reforma and San Felipe.

Taxis in and around centro should cost $60-$80 pesos. Up to Reforma/ San Felipe – $80-$150 pesos.

If possible, try and take a Taxi from a Taxi rank. There’s one on the North side of the Zocalo (pictured). And always make sure you ask for the price before you get in. Taxis aren’t metered and tourists are always taken advantage of. Either way, the Taxis aren’t that expensive.

Getting around Oaxaca City. Public transport  Colectivos
Colectivos – Shared Taxis

Colectivos in Oaxaca City

Colectivos are pretty much just a shared taxi, hop on hop off style (a reddish/morone color pictured above). They generally cost around $12-$30 pesos in and around the city. Longer routes will cost a bit more. Popular routes are out to Etla, Xoxocotlan, Simbolos Patrios/Airport and El Tule and Tlacolula.

Colectivos are taken from the Central Mercado de Abastos and also from a few blocks south of the Zocalo. They also head out to small towns as far as a couple hours out of the city which cost more.

If you’re going to take a colectivo, try and sit in the back, because they put two people in the front passenger seat which gets a bit squashy.

MotoTaxis – Tuk Tuks

You’re not going to find the mototaxis right in the city, they’re actually forbidden. They operate in smaller towns on the outskirts of the city. If you’re staying or living a couple km’s out of town, you’re going to see them and they’re super convenient.

A mototaxi ride will usually cost $7-$8 pesos for a regular ride. Or if you’re going a bit further to a specific destination, up to around $20 – $25 pesos

Enjoy your time in Oaxaca City ✌️

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